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Faculty Development Resources

Below, you will find information about medical education resources and videos.

Faculty Development Programs

Welcome to CMSRU!

As a newly appointed CMSRU faculty member, you are required to participate in faculty orientation to the medical school and our educational curriculum. Our online orientation will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the medical school’s mission and vision, the educational curriculum, student policies and faculty policies and procedures.

Before you view the online modules, you must first have an active Rowan NetID. If you have not done so already, please follow the steps below to activate your Rowan NetID. A Rowan NetID and password are needed when signing in to each module. You should have received your assigned Rowan NetID from the Office of Faculty Affairs in an email upon your faculty appointment.  If you do not have, please contact one of the members of the faculty affairs office.

Step One:   Activate Rowan NetID, Create Password & Duo Authentication Account  

Your Rowan NetID is your key to accessing online Rowan University services. To activate your NetID:

  1. Go to
  2. Select First Time Users

Through this link you will activate your Rowan NetID, email, and Duo Authentication accounts.  For step by step instructions, please click on the article published by Rowan IT support staff.

Should you have any questions or problems with setting up your account and authentication on your phone, please contact Rowan Technology Support at or call 856-256-4400. 

Step Two:   Self Enroll in Orientation Modules

Please complete the required modules below. Combined, these modules take approximately 50 minutes to complete. Each has a separate running time that is noted when you enroll in the course. Please note that there is no fast forward capability and you must watch the module in its entirety and complete a verification form at the end to receive credit for participation.

Click on the link below to self-enroll in each module. You will need your Rowan NetID and password to enroll.

After viewing a course in its entirety, please click SUBMIT, then at bottom right corner click NEXT and then complete VERIFICATION (just click yes to viewed module) and submit to receive completion credit.

Please see the list below of New CMSRU Faculty Orientation canvas courses and their self-enrollment links:

Required Viewing

Optional Viewing

If you have any technical difficulties with enrollment or Canvas course, please contact Rowan Online Support at (856) 256-4400. 

If you have questions about orientation modules, please contact Anne Peatman ( or Julieann Braun (

The following CME Faculty Development Enduring Materials Series sessions are available through Rowan Marketplace: 

  • From Hypothesis to Publication:  Hands-On AI Driven Research” – Drs. Mallemat and Patel (December 2024 Faculty Development Forum)
  • Climate Health: An Evolving Threat Requiring Novel Approaches – Dr. Cerceo (September 2024 CMSRU Grand Rounds)
  • Establishing an Academic Global Health and Global Health Education Center – Dr. Pancheshnikov (April 2024 CMSRU Grand Rounds)  
  • Helping Learners Receive and Incorporate Feedback – Drs. Lopreiato, Blaschke, and Phillipi (March 2024 Faculty Development Week)  
  • Resident Remediation: Learners in Difficulty – Dr. Lopreiato (March 2024 Faculty Development Week)  
  • Academic Coaching – Dr. Lopreiato (March 2024 Faculty Development Week)  
  • Turning Everyday Work into Scholarly Activity – Dr. Phillipi (March 2024 CMSRU Grand Rounds)  
  • Transforming Your Teaching Style for the 21st Century – Drs. Mallemat, Willis, Repanshek(s) and Swaminathan (March 2024 Faculty Development Week)
  • Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: An Individualized Approach to Care – Dr. Jovin (February 2024 CMSRU Grand Rounds)
  • Why Black People Live Sicker and Die Younger - Dr. LaVeist (December 2023 CMSRU Grand Rounds)
  • Artificial Intelligence in Medical Education - Dr. Triola (November 2023 CMSRU Grand Rounds)
  • Creating a Trustworthy UME to GME Transition - Dr. Barone (September 2023 CMSRU Grand Rounds)
  • Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) from the UME/GME Perspectives – Dr. Lindeman (CMSRU Grand Rounds)
  • Coaching in Medicine:  Vision to Goals – Dr. Hammoud (CMSRU Grand Rounds)
  • Ending Mistreatment in the Learning Environment – Dr. Druck (CMSRU Grand Rounds)
  • Mental Health in the Digital Age – Anthony Rostain, MD, MA (CMSRU Grand Rounds)
  • The History of Camden – Anthony Mazzarelli, MD, JD, MBE (CMSRU Grand Rounds)
  • The Science of Compassion and Serving Others – Drs. Mazzarelli and Trzeciak  (Humanism Series)
  • Autonomy: You Can’t Always Get What You Want, But Who Decides What You Need? – Drs. Baillie and McGeehan (Humanism Series)
  • Groupthink, Collective Evil, and the Holocaust – Dr. Mangione (Humanism Series)
  • Medicine & Machines: The Doctor-Patient Relationship in the Age of Artificial Intelligence – Dr. Wartman (Humanism Series)

Click on Cooper Medical School Faculty Center to access any sessions listed above. Registering and accessing an event is quick and easy.  Please remember to receive CME credit, you will be asked to complete a brief quiz at the end of the module.

Important: You MUST click SUBMIT after viewing the entire video, then click the NEXT button to get to the quiz. If you have not previously used the Rowan Marketplace, you must create an account.

To create an account on the Rowan Marketplace and/or register for this or any other available session, see the instructions below.


Step One: Create a Rowan Online Marketplace Account

  1. Visit the Rowan Online Marketplace at
  2. At top right of page, click Sign Up
  3. At New Customer Sign Up page: Enter your or email address.  NOTE:  Do not use a PERSONAL email address. ONLY Rowan and Cooper email accounts are granted access to CMSRU faculty development & orientation modules through the online marketplace
  4. Click Continue and follow prompts to create account.


Step Two: Register for a Faculty Development Event  

  1. Visit the Cooper Medical School Faculty Center page at
  2. Scroll down and Select/Click on CMSRU Faculty Development and Training
  3. Scroll down to the Title you wish to view and Select/Click on it.  
  4. Click Add to Cart
  5. Click Go to Cart
  6. Click Proceed to Checkout
  7. Your Cooper or Rowan email will appear and say course is Free.   Click Continue to Next Step
  8. A confirmation message will appear with instructions on how to immediately access your course.
  9. You will also receive email confirmation to your work email that will provide a link to course and instructions on how to access should you not wish to view/take the module immediately.


Step Three: Viewing/Completing Faculty Development Modules

  1. Go to
  2. At top of page, click Account, Profile, My Registrations.
  3. From there Enroll in Course and then Login to Canvas (where all registered courses will be housed)
  4. Click a course to view
  5. After viewing course in its entirety, please click SUBMIT to verify you watched video.  It is crucial that you hit the SUBMIT button before you go to next screen.
  6. Then on bottom right of page, click NEXT to get to the quiz.
  7. Complete the quiz and submit to get CME credit for the session.


If you have any technical difficulties with the Rowan Marketplace or Canvas LMS, please contact Rowan Online Support at (856) 256-5164.  If you have questions, please contact Anne Peatman via email at

Climate Change and Health
Kenneth Lacovara, PhD
Dean, School of Earth and Environment, Rowan University Professor of Paleontology & Geology

Darilyn Moyer, MD, FACP, FRCP, FIDSA
Executive Vice President and CEO American College of Physicians
October 8, 2019

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Health Care & Medical Education
Anthony Chang, MD, MBA, MPH, MS Chief Intelligence and Innovation Officer, Sharon Disney Lund Medical Intelligence and Innovation Institute
Medical Director, CHOC Heart Failure Program, Children’s Hospital of Orange Count
November 5, 2019

Optimizing Engagement in the Learning Environment
Pamelia Williams, MD, FAAFP, COL USAF MC
Associate Dean, Student Affairs, Associate Professor of Family Medicine Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD
March 10, 2020

Special Med Ed Grand Rounds: Giving the Green Light to Medicinal Marijuana
Shereef Elnahal, MD, MBA
Commissioner of NJ Dept of Health
September 20, 2018

Research Day Symposium: The Challenge of Anticipating the Future of Biomedical Research
Ross McKinney, Jr., MD
Chief Scientific Officer, AAMC
October 2, 2018

Med Ed Grand Rounds:  Compassionomics
Stephen Trzeciak, MD, MPH
Professor of Medicine & Emergency Medicine
Interim Chair, Department of Medicine, CUHC/CMSRU
October 9, 2018

Med Ed Grand Rounds: Mindfulness in Medicine
Jeffrey Greeson, PhD, MS
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Rowan University
November 13, 2018

Faculty Development:  Narrative Assessment in M3/M4
Michael A. Barone, MD, MPH
VP of Licensure Programs, National Board of Medical Examiners
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University
November 26, 2018

Med Ed Grand Rounds:  Health Equity and Social Justice
George C. Hill, PhD
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology
Levi Watkins, Jr. MD Professor Emeritus of Medical Education & Administration
Vanderbilt University
March 5, 2019

Med Ed Grand Rounds:  Shifting the Healthcare Paradigm
Thea James, MD
Vice President of Mission & Associate Chief Medical Officer
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
Boston Medical Center
April 2, 2019

Faculty Development: Embracing the Power of Twitter in Academic Medicine
Kristina Dzara, PhD, MMSc
Instructor, Harvard Medical School
Educational Research Associate at Massachusetts General Hospital
Harvard Macy Institute Social Media Strategist  
April 11, 2019
Additional Resource: Social Media Resources for Additional Learning [PDF]

Faculty Development:  Using Social Media to Enhance Teaching and Learning
Kristina Dzara, PhD, MMSc
Instructor, Harvard Medical School
Educational Research Associate at Massachusetts General Hospital
Harvard Macy Institute Social Media Strategist  
April 11, 2019
Additional Resource: Social Media Resources for Additional Learning [PDF]

"Writing Effective Letters of Recommendations for Trainees"
Presented by Drs. Jennifer Kogan and Ilene Rosen, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
and Ms. Barbara Wagner, Former Director of Student Affairs, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

The Learning Objectives for this workshop were as follows:
1. Describe your responsibility when writing a Letter of Recommendation.
2. List essential features that should be present in a Letter of Recommendation.
3. Describe common mistakes to avoid when writing a Letter of Recommendation.
4. Tailor a Letter of Recommendation based on the trainee’s performance level.

Video* | Slides | Handouts
*Please note: There was a problem with the first workshop speaker’s microphone for the first 4 minutes of this recording. Please advance the recording to around the 4:08 mark and you will be able to hear the first speaker’s voice. We apologize for this inconvenience.

"Promoting the “Pros”: Professionalism, Professional Identity Formation, and Interprofessionality" - September 12, 2016
Drs. Michael Barone and Barry Solomon
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Learning objectives for this session are:
• Summarize conceptual frameworks of professionalism / professional identity formation and relate to various teaching and learning settings
• Develop strategies to support and promote professional identity formation in learners
• Explore partnerships with patients and other health professionals in promoting professional identity formation
• Reflect on the competencies of a teacher and mentor, and how these relate to the professional identity formation of medical trainees.


"Effective Precepting" - Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Joint Cooper Hospital/CMSRU Faculty Development Program

  • • Gregory J. Touissaint, M.D., Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Boonschoft School of Medicine, Wright State University, Medical Director, Inpatient General Pediatrics, Dayton, Children’s Hospital, Dayton, OH; Effective Precepting Video

"How to Teach Clinical Reasoning" - Monday, November 30, 2015
CMSRU Faculty Development Program

  • • Ethan D. Fried, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine, Residency Program Director at North Shore-LIJ Health System, Lenox Hill Hospital, Hofstra University School of Medicine, New York, NY; How to Teach Clinical Reasoning / Slides

"Effective Precepting in a Busy Clinical Setting" - Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Joint Cooper Hospital/CMSRU Faculty Development Program

"Problem Residents" - Monday, November 16, 2015
Joint Cooper Hospital/CMSRU Faculty Development Program

  • • Joseph Lopreiato, M.D., MPH, Medical Director of the Val D. Hemming Medical Simulation Center, Professor of Pediatrics, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Edward Hebert School of Medicine, Bethesda, MD; Problem Residents Video

"Writing a Narrative Assessment" - Monday, October 26, 2015
CMSRU Faculty Development Program

"Preparing a Creative Lecture" - October 6th, 2015
Joint Cooper Hospital/CMSRU Faculty Development Program

"Scholarly Activity: How to Mentor the Learner" - September 10, 2015
CMSRU Faculty Development Program

  • • Rosemary Frasso, Ph.D., MSc, CPH, Director of Education, Masters of Public Health Program, Senior Fellow, Center for Public Health Initiatives, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania; How to Mentor the Learner Video

Education Resources

The American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) website.

MedEdPORTAL is a free educational resource provided by the AAMC, with over 2,000 peer-reviewed educational resources for medical and dental education. 

The Rowan University Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning is a faculty-owned resource designed to provide support to faculty through workshops, discussion groups, and a variety of other methods. 

Many resources exist within CMSRU and the broader University for teaching. In addition, the AAMC and other universities provide additional sources that can help with both educational resources and support for scholarly activity.


Teaching Techniques

Publishing Opportunities for the Scholarship of Teaching

  • The American Association of Medical College's MedEdPORTAL provides a variety of teaching materials, assessment tools, and faculty development resources.
  • Selected Medical Education Publications list a number of journals that provide opportunities to publish scholarly work related to medical education.

Understanding Journal Metrics

  • Elsevier provides an overview of journal metrics and how they should be used (pdf).
  • Journal metrics for a list of selected journals relevant to medical education and scholarship (pdf).