Faculty Assembly
The Cooper Medical School of Rowan University (CMSRU) Faculty Assembly is charged to discuss and promote medical school policies and practices and to advise the Dean on matters relating to the educational program. The Faculty Assembly is composed of all full time medical school faculty, including faculty in the Department of Biomedical Sciences as well as all clinical departments. The Executive Committee of the Faculty Assembly shall consist of three basic scientists and three clinicians that are elected by the basic science and clinical faculty, respectively. This Committee will provide balance in representation of clinical faculty and the basic sciences.
Current Faculty Officers & Committee Members

Roland Schwarting, MD
Professor of Pathology

Manoj Pandey, PhD
Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences

Eric Behling, MD
Assistant Professor of Pathology

Mike DiSanto, PhD
Professor of Biomedical Sciences

Joanne Mazzarelli, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine

Kevin Currie, PhD
Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences
The faculty shall meet at least annually to discuss and establish medical school policies and practices as a Faculty Assembly, to advise the Dean on matters related to teaching and research, and to review the objectives of the educational program. Such advice shall be made to the Dean in writing, with copies sent to the President of Rowan and the President and CEO of Cooper University Health Care (CUHC). The faculty shall work together in a cooperative effort to maintain the highest standards of educational methodology and practice. In the Faculty Assembly, each member of the teaching faculty shall have one vote in any matter coming before the Assembly for a vote.
The Faculty Assembly shall be chaired by the President of the Faculty Assembly and shall discuss all matters brought before it by any of its members, the Dean, standing committees of the school or the Executive Council.
Special meetings of the Faculty Assembly may be called by its President or by the written request to the president of five of its members.
The Faculty Officers
The officers of the Faculty Assembly shall consist of a President, a Vice President, and a Secretary chosen from the Executive Committee of the Faculty Assembly. The President will rotate from being a clinical faculty member to a basic science faculty member every 3 years. During the time that the President is a clinical faculty member the Vice President will be a basic science faculty member and vice-versa. After completing their term, the President will serve as Past-President for 3 years and will remain a member of the CMSRU Executive Council.
The President
- The President of the Faculty Assembly shall preside at all meetings of the Faculty Assembly except as noted below.
- The President may attend any medical school committee meeting as a non-voting member but may vote to break a tie.
- The President may appoint ad hoc committees of the Faculty Assembly, subject to approval by the Dean.
- The President shall serve for a term of three years. If the president is unable to complete the term, the vice president shall assume the office and remain in that office for the remainder of the current term.
The Vice President
- The Vice President of the Faculty Assembly shall preside at meetings of the Faculty Assembly in the President's absence.
- The Vice President shall serve for a term of three years. A vacancy in the office of Vice President shall be filled through a special election of the Faculty Assembly held within 90 days of the vacancy.
The Secretary
- The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Faculty Assembly and conduct the correspondence and keep the records of the Faculty Assembly.
- The Secretary shall notify the faculty of each meeting, give all notices required by these bylaws or by order of the Faculty Assembly, and perform such other duties as the President of the Faculty Assembly may assign.
- The Secretary shall solicit items for the agenda of Faculty Assembly meetings, prepare the agenda for these meetings in consultation with the President, and distribute the agenda prior to these meetings.
- The Secretary shall serve as parliamentarian, consistent with Robert’s Rules of Order, Latest Edition. He/she shall supervise voting and other administrative procedures at all meetings of the Faculty Assembly.
- In the absence of the President and Vice President, the Secretary shall preside at meetings of the Faculty Assembly.
- The Secretary shall serve for a term of three years. A vacancy in the office of secretary shall be filled through a special election held within 90 days.
Annual Meeting Presentations and Reports
2024 Faculty Assembly Slide Presentation
Individual Committee Reports:
- Academic Standing Committee
- Admissions Committee
- Advisory Committee on Appointments and Promotions
- Committee for Positive Learning Environment
- Continuous Quality Improvement Committee
- Curriculum Committee
- Diversity and the Learning Environment Committee
- Faculty Development Committee
- Nomination and Elections Committee
- Research Committee
- Rules of Procedure Committee