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Appointment and Promotion (A&P)

Faculty interested in applying for CMSRU Appointment or Promotion should complete the applicable documents contained within this section of the website.

Note: Please use the checklist in each section to ensure that all required documents are completed. All forms must be typed. No handwritten forms will be accepted. 

Click here for the 2024-25 CMSRU A&P Committee meeting dates and approval cycles. The meeting date on which the Committee reviews a faculty member’s packet will determine the effective faculty appointment date.

Appointment Application Information

Individuals seeking faculty appointment at CMSRU must be nominated by their Departmental Chair. The documents listed below must be completed in their entirety and submitted in the appropriate order. Please click here for a list of contact information for Departmental Chairs and A&P Coordinators.

Faculty nominated for Assistant Professor rank or higher must submit three (3) letters of recommendation as per CMSRU A&P Guidelines. Faculty candidates should submit the names, address, phone number, email address and current faculty rank of their three letter writers to the designated A&P Coordinator within their department and the department will solicit letters for the candidate. Candidates may not solicit their own letters of recommendation.

Faculty nominated for Instructor rank do not require letters of recommendation and may disregard item 5 below.

Curriculum vitae’s must be in the correct CMSRU format using the template below. Please refer to the CV guidelines, AMA citation guide and sample CV when preparing this document.

  1. Appointment Checklist
  2. Review Sheet
  3. Letter of Nomination by Department
  4. CV Format:
  5. Letter of Recommendation Request template
  6. Personal Data Sheet
  7. Acknowledgment Statement

Individuals seeking volunteer appointment at CMSRU must be nominated by their Departmental Chair. For a list of Departmental Chairs and A&P Coordinator contact information, please click here.

The following documents must be completed in their entirety and submitted in the appropriate order. Curriculum vitae’s must be in the correct CMSRU format using the template below. Please refer to the CV guidelines, AMA citation guide and sample CV when preparing this document.

  1. Faculty Volunteers Checklist
  2. Review Sheet for Volunteer Faculty Appointments
  3. Letter of Nomination by Dept. Chair
  4. CV Format:
  5. Personal Data Sheet
  6. Acknowledgement Statement

Individuals seeking voluntary clinical instructor appointment at CMSRU must be nominated by their Program Director.

The following documents must be completed in their entirety and submitted in the appropriate order. Curriculum vitae’s must be in the correct CMSRU format using the template below. Please refer to the CV guidelines, AMA citation guide and sample CV when preparing this document.

  1. Checklist for Clinical Instructor
  2. Review Sheet for Clinical Instructor
  3. Letter of Nomination by Program Director
  4. CV Format:
  5. Clinical Instructor Personal Data Sheet
  6. Acknowledgment Statement for Clinical Instructor

Faculty Promotion Information

Individuals seeking faculty promotion at CMSRU must submit their letter of intent by August 1 of the current promotion cycle to their Department Chair and the Dean, CMSRU. From that point forward, biomedical sciences and clinical faculty should follow the promotion timetables set forth in the CMSRU A&P Policy.

Faculty members should work with members of their Departmental Chair’s office when completing the required application materials that can be found below. Click here to view a listing of Departmental Chairs, A&P Chairpersons and A&P Coordinators.

Clinical faculty seeking promotion should click on the video link below for an overview of the promotion process and how to prepare promotion materials.

The link below contain historical data on the number of “scholarly products” that candidates, approved by the Committee for promotion, possessed at the time of application and Committee review.

“Scholarly products” include original publications, books, book chapters, review articles, and editorials/other invited articles. Abstracts are evidence of academic potential/promise for promotion from Instructor to Assistant Professor. However, abstracts are not counted in the “scholarly products” calculations.

CMSRU Promotion candidates should have scholarly productivity consistent with the historical productivity data shown for the rank for which they are applying.

CUMULATIVE “Scholarly Products” Calculations for Promotions in 2019-2024

Video: The Office of Faculty Affairs invites clinical faculty members seeking promotion to watch this video, which provides an overview of the promotion process and how to prepare promotion materials.

Presentation Slides: The Office of Faculty Affairs invites clinical faculty members seeking promotion to review these presentation slides, which provide an overview of the promotion process and how to prepare promotion materials

Policies & Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

For Department of Biomedical Sciences (BMS) Faculty only, click here to view Rowan University's Promotion MOA.


If you have questions about the process, please contact Anne Peatman, director of faculty affairs and educational operations, via email at or 856-956-2781.