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CMSRU and Rowan University Public Safety Information

Rowan University provides a comprehensive public safety program encompassing a wide range of services. Our key areas include Police, Security, Parking, Dispatch Center, Crime Prevention, and the Office of Emergency Management. Our focus is on preventive patrols, crime prevention programs, and implementing Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) standards across all our campuses.

Below, you will find detailed information about the security systems and measures in place to protect CMSRU medical students, staff, and faculty, ensuring a safe learning and working environment at all times.

Campus Security

During Regular Classroom Hours on Campus:

  • 24/7 Monitoring: The CSRU Medical Education Building (MEB) is monitored around the clock by Rowan University (RU) public safety officers stationed at the reception desk.
  • Access Control: Entry requires an access badge, and electronic turnstiles at the entrance verify permissions.
  • Surveillance: The MEB is equipped with surveillance cameras monitored by public safety at CMSRU and Rowan University's (RU) Glassboro campus.
  • Patrols: Public safety officers patrol the MEB, ensuring safety throughout the day.

Outside of Regular Classroom Hours on Campus:

  • Electronic Card Access: After hours (6:00 PM - 7:00 AM), entry to the MEB is restricted to card access.
  • Constant Patrols: Public safety officers continue to patrol the MEB and its perimeter, ensuring safety overnight and during weekends.
  • Escort Services: Students can request escort services to parking garages, public transportation, or affiliate facilities at any time.

At Clinical Teaching Sites:

  • Collaborative Security: The safety of clinical teaching sites is ensured by CMSRU public safety, Cooper University Health Care (CUHC) security, and the Camden County Police Department (CCPD).
  • Comprehensive Security: CUHC security has 90 uniformed personnel providing constant patrols. Electronic surveillance and emergency phones are strategically placed throughout the hospital campus.
  • ID Badges: Students, faculty, and staff use hospital ID badges with electronic access to appropriate facilities.

Special Instructional Sites

Protections in Potentially Dangerous Situations:

  • Vetted Sites: All instructional sites within Camden are vetted for safety by the associate dean for diversity and community affairs and public safety officers.
  • Safety Training: Students receive safety training during orientation, covering city-specific travel and protocols for various clerkships.
  • Self-Defense Training: Available as part of the wellness program.

Emergency and Disaster Preparedness

Communication and Notification:

  • Orientation: Students, faculty, and staff are informed about emergency policies during annual orientations.
  • Timely Warnings: CMSRU adheres to the Clery Act, issuing timely warnings through multiple channels (text, email, social media, etc.).
  • Rowan Alerts: Encouragement to sign up for alerts for real-time updates here:
  • Regular Drills: Fire drills and Active Shooter training are conducted annually, with additional online training available.

Public Safety – CMSRU

The Department of Public Safety provides security and safety services to the CMSRU community.  Security Officers are available at the security desk immediately inside the entrance to CMSRU on a 24x7 basis.    

Contact Us

For on-campus assistance please visit the security desk or call 856-361-2880.

For off-campus assistance please call 911 for the local Police Department.